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We want all children to be joyful and feel secure and validated in expressing their joy. However, the joyful behavior of Black children, particularly Black boys, is often framed as aggressive, rowdy, and disruptive, which can cause educators from preschool through high school to view Black children as problems or troublesome. Mike Browne and Amir Asim Gilmore, two Black male educators, challenge everyone to acknowledge and center Black childhood’s joy and de-center White-dominant cultural perceptions of the “correct way” to express joy. Educators must meet this opportunity to combat anti-Black male imagery and love Black boys for all their beauty and brilliance.

During this event, we will follow a facilitated discussion from Exchange Reflections on an article titled Black Humanity and Black Boy Joy and a companion video titled Co-Conspiring for Black Boy Joy, both from Mike Browne and Amir Asim Gilmore. At the end of the discussion, each participant will be welcomed to make a commitment to professional action steps inspired by the article and video.

This event will be facilitated by Southwest Ohio AEYC Equity Committee Co-Chairs Denise Steward and Bella Frueh.

Registrants will be sent a PDF version of the article and a link to the companion video within 3 business days of registration. Participants may request an attendance certificate via email after the event.


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