As a valuable member of the community, we appreciate your interest in working together to solve challenges and hope we can count on you to join the movement to make Ohio the best place to be a young child.
Groundwork Ohio is going on the road! We’re holding community conversations throughout Ohio engaging families, early childhood professionals, maternal health experts, local government officials, and statewide policymakers about the challenges facing our state’s youngest.
Join us in Wilmington on Thursday, April 25, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. as we hear from regional experts on the unique early childhood and maternal health challenges facing your community. Our panel will include:
- Ruth Brindle and Stephanie Butler, Clinton County Workforce Collaborative
- Rhonda Molina, Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative of Warren County
- Sharon Gibbs, Fayette County Health Department Help Me Grow
- Gina Grace, WIC Director of Madison County
What’s working in your community? How can we make Ohio the best place to be a young child?
The conversations and learning compiled from this event will help inform our policy agenda for the Fiscal Year 26-27 Statewide Budget and enhance relationships with our local leaders.
Wondering who will be in the room?
Parents and caregivers, early childhood professionals, community leaders, advocates for children, business leaders, locally elected officials, local or state government employees, philanthropic leaders, and leaders for women’s-focused organizations.
Not familiar with us?
Groundwork Ohio is a nonpartisan public-policy research and advocacy organization that champions high-quality early learning and healthy development strategies from the prenatal period to age 5, that lay a strong foundation for Ohio kids, families, and communities.
We advance quality early childhood systems in Ohio by engaging, educating, and mobilizing diverse stakeholders and strategic partners to promote data-driven and evidence-based early childhood policies.